Dear colleagues and partners,
We are looking for motivated participants for Schuman Volunteers vol 5 European Solidarity Corps long-term volunteering in Warsaw and Wojkowice, Poland for 2023/24.
All volunteering activities will expectedly start in October 2023 and last for 9-12 months (depending on the activity).
We are searching for 17 volunteers at 9 Hosting Organisations (more information regarding our call for applications can be found here): https://schuman.pl/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Call-for-Applications-2023-2024.pdf
- How to apply: Candidates should fill in the application form.
- The application deadline is until all the places are taken.
- You can also find some information on our website: https://schumanvolunteers.pl/
Please spread our call in your networks to help us find motivated volunteers.
Thank you for your time and support! In case of any open questions, please do not hesitate to ask me.
Warm regards from Poland,
ESC Team of Polish Robert Schuman Foundation